Unique Medical

Holmium High Power Laser - Cyber Ho 100W

MRP :  0.00/-     0.00

Product Description

High Power Holmium yag laser with Pulse Modulation Technology. The System is available with Multiparameter & Different Settings. The system is equipped with MasterPulse Technology where the pulse duration can be changed almost in every setting.HoLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate) is a proven technique for the treatment of BPH, with high effectiveness, safety and durability. Cyber Ho represents a truly complete solution for stone treatment offering any tool needed.


More Advanced in Settings

 The System is available with Multiparameter with Pulse Modulation technology. Cyber Ho is equipped with great frequency settings up to 80Hz for better & fast dusting. This device also offers impressive settings regarding power(up to 105W, energy  (5J) and frequency (80Hz). 7 levels of pulse width offer a greater flexibility with respect to the traditional 3 levels offered by other holmium devices. With the help double footswitch, Surgeon can easily switch one emission to another.




Advance Tools For Laser Surgery

Cyber HO 60W provide us advance tools for laser sugery like Masterpulse Technology where the pulse duration can be changed almost in every setting. We can adjust the different setting according to our need and treatment aera. Vapor Tunnel consisting in a single Specific Long pulse which help us to use the minimum peak power in a accordance with selected output setting. Virtul Basket composed by a double pulse emission. Its Vapor long bubbles create a direct connection between fiber tip & stone, granting enhanced energy delivery for fast ablation.




Fibers Availability

Cyber Ho devices are designed for extreme performance already with small standard fibers (allowing more than 30W even with the smallest fiber diameters).

Thanks to this feature, the user shall not refrain from having fiber flexibility and high emission power at the same time.



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